Latest News

Published date News Title
2023-03-29 Trial use of database: "中國文史資料文獻數據庫"
2023-03-16 Trial use of database: "萬方數據知識服務平台"
2023-03-16 Trial use of database: "晚清民國文獻平臺-日記書信專題庫"
2023-03-09 Trial use of database: " Church Missionary Society Periodicals "&" Church Missionary Society Archive "
2023-03-07 Trial use of database: "書同文-明清邊海防彙編、續編及西藏史料"
2023-03-03 Trial use of database: " Papers of American Missionaries to Asia"
2023-03-03 Trial use of database: " Political Extremism and Radicalism, Part III: Global Communist and Socialist Movements"
2023-03-03 Trial use of database: " Records of the U.S. State Department: Korea; Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966"
2023-03-01 Trial use of database: "美方調停國共事件紀錄簿"
2023-03-01 Trial use of database: "中國歷史文獻總庫.近代報紙數據庫"
2023-02-16 Trial use of database: "大漢和辭典"
2023-02-03 Trial use of database: "邊疆歷史地理資料庫"
2023-01-10 Trial use of database: " 觀箴清宮檔案資料庫 "
2023-01-07 Databases Available: 法源法律網-論著資料庫
2022-12-21 Trial use of database: " Oxford Research Encyclopedias - Literature "
2022-12-19 Databases Available: " NINETEENTH CENTURY COLLECTIONS ONLINE:Science, Technology, and Medicine, 1780-1925"
2022-12-19 Databases Available: "海外中醫典籍古籍庫(Internet 2人版) "
2022-12-16 Trial use of database: " airitiLibrary(CEPS Journals- Health & Medical Care)"
2022-12-12 Trial use of database: " Oxford Handbooks Online"
2022-12-08 New Databases Available:"全國報刊索引-民國時期期刊全文數據庫(1911-1949)1-12輯"
