歡迎試用「 Regional China and the West, 1759–1972 」資料庫

星期二, 十二月 3, 2024

歡迎試用「 Regional China and the West, 1759–1972 」資料庫

1、連線網址: Regional China and the West, 1759–1972[另開新視窗]
2、試用帳號/密碼: 鎖本院IP,免帳號密碼。
3、試用期限: 即日起至2024年12月31日止。
4、資料庫內容:由英國國家檔案館的 38 個英國外交部系列和一份私人收藏組成,記錄從晚清到20世紀多個中國沿海城市和內陸通商口岸的社會、經濟和政治歷史。該檔案包括英國駐北京公使館和英國駐中國20多個通商口岸領事館所產生的一般信件和土地、契約、婚姻和死亡登記冊;兩位英國駐華高級外交官(亨利·波廷格爵士和約翰·喬丹爵士)以及埃德蒙·哈蒙德勳爵(常任外交事務副大臣)與英國駐東亞代表的私人和半官方信件。這些文件製作於 1759 年至 1972 年間,揭示了當今天津、寧波、廈門、武漢、鎮江、青島、大沽、福州、成都、昆明、廣州、澳門、淡水、西藏、蒙古等城市社會景況、對外貿易和各種東西方互動(詳細簡介請參考附件)。
FO 230 Foreign Office: Consulates and Legation, China: Letter Books
FO 350 Foreign Office: Jordan Papers
FO 369 Foreign Office: Consular Department: General Correspondence from 1906
FO 385 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chinkiang, China: General Correspondence
FO 386 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chinkiang, China: Registers of Correspondence
FO 387 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chinkiang, China: Miscellanea
FO 391 Foreign Office: Hammond Papers
FO 535 Foreign Office: Confidential Print Tibet and Mongolia
FO 562 Foreign Office: Consulate and Legation, Peking, China: General Correspondence
FO 563 Foreign Office: Legation, Peking, China: Miscellanea
FO 564 Foreign Office: Legation, Peking, China: Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages
FO 663 Foreign Office: Consulate, Amoy, China: General Correspondence
FO 664 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chengtu, China: Various Registers
FO 665 Foreign Office: Consulate, Foochow, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers
FO 666 Foreign Office: Consulates, Hankow and Hangchow, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers
FO 667 Foreign Office: Consulate, Ichang, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers
FO 668 Foreign Office: Consulate, Kunming, China: Various Registers and Lease Agreement
FO 669 Foreign Office: Consulate, Newchwang, China: General Correspondence
FO 670 Foreign Office: Consulate, Ningpo, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers
FO 673 Foreign Office: Consulate, Taku, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers
FO 674 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tientsin, China: General Correspondence, Various Registers and Supreme Court Records
FO 675 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tsingtao, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers
FO 676 Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Various Embassies and Legations, China: General Correspondence, Series II
FO 677 Foreign Office: Superintendent of Trade, Legation, Peking, China: General Correspondence and Diaries
FO 678 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Deeds
FO 679 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Registers of Deeds
FO 680 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Land Registers
FO 681 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages
FO 692 Foreign Office: Consulate and Legation, Peking, China: Registers of Correspondence
FO 693 Foreign Office: Chinanfu Consulate: Record Book
FO 694 Foreign Office: Consulate, Canton, China: Miscellanea
FO 697 Foreign Office: Consulate, Macao: General Correspondence
FO 705 Foreign Office: Pottinger Papers
FO 721 Foreign Office: Consulate, Taiwan, Japan (formerly China): Registers of Deaths
FO 735 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chefoo, China: Inventories
FO 763 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tamsui, Japan [now Taiwan]: General Correspondence and Registers of Correspondence
FO 851 Foreign Office: Consulate, Wenchow, China: General Correspondence
FO 965 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tamsui, Taiwan (formerly China): Various Papers
Records of the British Municipal Councils in Tientsin: Reports, Budgets, Minutes, Regulations, By-Laws, and Photographs, 1906-1938


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