General Regulations

1. The library is opened to those who aged 18 and up with Library card.

2. Patrons are free to access books, newspapers, and journals. Borrowing privileges are limited to faculty and staff of the Academia Sinica.

3. Backpacks/bags (bigger than A4 size) have to put in lockers before entering the Library.

4. Patrons shall refrain from smoking, eating, noise making, instigation, loud talking/laughing and other uncomely behaviors in the Library.

5. For the purpose of maintaining quietness of the Library, patrons are required to turn off their mobile phones and pagers before entering the reading area.

6. Photographing is not permitted.

(Services for Visitors: 

Bring your government-issued ID to our service desk to get a temporary one-day card.  The one-day card is only valid at JLHS and provides you with access to the collection without borrowing privileges.)