Latest News

Published date News Title
2023-07-14 Trial use of database: " Media Korean Studies DB"
2023-07-10 Trial use of database: " Service Lists and Reports of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service and Whangpoo Conservancy Board"
2023-06-27 Trial use of database: "中國思想與文化名家數據庫"
2023-06-27 Trial use of database: "集刊全文數據庫"
2023-06-21 Trial use of database: "雑誌記事索引集成データベース(ざっさくプラス)"
2023-06-12 Trial use of database: "Socialism on films"
2023-06-01 Trial use of database: "China and Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain, and China, Part II: 1965–1993"
2023-05-17 Trial use of database: "中國租界史料文獻彙編"
2023-05-17 Trial use of database: "清代外交檔案"
2023-05-17 Trial use of database: "龍泉司法檔案選編數據庫"
2023-05-16 Trial use of database: "The Hague Academy Collected Courses Online"
2023-05-09 Trial use of database: "The Current Digest of the Russian Press Archive (1949~2022)"
2023-05-05 Trial use of database: "Medical Services and Warfare"
2023-05-05 Trial use of database: "Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900"
2023-05-04 Trial use of database: "全國報刊索引-小報 3-6輯"
2023-04-18 Databases Available: 風傳媒與華爾街日報
2023-04-13 Trial use of database: "臺灣經典民論雜誌資料庫"
2023-04-11 Trial use of database: "雑誌記事索引集成データベース(ざっさくプラス)"
2023-04-10 Trial use of database: “瀚堂近代報刊數據庫”, “瀚堂典藏古籍數據庫”, and “民國風雲”
2023-04-10 Trial use of database: “近代期刊資料庫”, “民國圖書資料庫(4-7期)”
